Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on Monday 11th November 2024 at 7:30pm in the Community Centre.
Draft minutes are published in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 and are subject to approval at the next ordinary meeting of the Community Council.
Cllrs :Dafydd Lloyd Jones (Chair), Rhodri Evans ( Vice Chair) Eirwen James , Emmanuel Kincaid Gareth Jones , Angela Evans, Caryl Jones John Griffiths.
1.To receive apologies.
Cllrs : Bethan Griffiths, Pat Parry
2.Personal Matters.
Thanks were extended to all who helped with arrangements for this year’s Memorial Event, agreed to be a good and well attended event. Thanks, were also extended to Dyfed Powys Polics and the Fire Service who were also in attendance at the service.
3.Declarations of interest.
Cllr Evans declared an interest with respect to item 11 on the Agenda.
Cllr Kincaid declared an interest with respect to item 13 & 17 on the Agenda.
4. Public participation.
Members of Public were present and put forward comments in accordance with Standing Orders as outlined by the Chair.
5. To confirm the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 08 July 2024 and 16th September 2024 & Extraordinary meetings held on the 8th of July , 12th August 2024 & 1st October 2024.
a) Minutes for the Ordinary Meeting held on 7th October 2024 were approved by Council
Proposed R.E. Seconded: A.E.
b) Minutes for Minutes for the Extraordinary Meeting held on 21st October 2024 were approved by Council
Proposed GJ. Seconded: E.J.
6.Matters arising from the minutes.
7.Financial report
a. To approve the bank reconciliation for the period ending 31st October 2024.
Council Approved the reconciliation ending 31st October 2024.
b. Authorisation of payments.
i. Staff and confidential payments.
ii. Burial Costs.
iii. Reimbursement of Clerk’s expenses (Zoom subscription)
iv. Reimbursement of Clerk’s expenses (Flag)
v. Consideration of donation to RBL poppy Appeal and disbursements on behalf of local organisations
Council Approved payments i-v.
c. Recurring payments – confirmation of ongoing variable direct debit instructions:
i. BT – Hall telephone & broadband.
ii. Bank charges.
Council Approved recurring payments.
d. Payments received.
i. Bank Interest & Loyalty received.
ii. Precept – 3rd instalment
iii. Youth Club.
Council Noted payments received.
8. Correspondence
a. BrynCadwgan:
Bryn Cadwgan Energy Park community benefit workshop notes.
b. Belltown Power:
Waun Maenllwyd – 10th October Meeting Draft Notes.
c. Cyngor Sir Ceredigion County Council
i. Ceredigion Community Safety Strategy 2024-2027.
ii. Cynnal y Cardi October Bulletin.
d. Energy Service Wales:
FW: Council Request to meet with a representative
Noted that they could not provide direct advice but have been signposted to other sources of advice/organisations.
e. Llanfair Community Council:
Pylons and Wind Turbines.
f. One Voice Wales
i. Practice Development Note (9) Terms of Reference for Council Meetings
ii. Draft Minutes – Ceredigion Area Committee
iii. Annual Financial Timetable of Actions
iv. Pay Agreement for 2024-25
Practice Notes and Financial timetable noted.
g. Welsh Government
i. Community and Town Councils – Statement of Payments 2023-2024
ii. Section 137 – Discretionary Expenditure Limit for 2025-2026
Noted appropriate sum per elector.
Council noted correspondence presented in points a-g., additional comments also noted above.
9. To consider the following motions under Standing Order 9b:
a. Proposal for a donation to Gogerddan Hunt.
Council proposed to donate £100 for the Boxing Day Hunting Display.
Proposed E.J, Seconded C.H.
10. To consider arrangements for the Christmas Lights Competition and Festive arrangements.
• Council considered and agreed the following arrangements for Christmas events in the Village:
• Putting up of the tree: 06/12/24( Council also wished to extend thanks to Richard Elliot for donating the Village tree.)
• Switching on of the Tree lights, with mulled wine and singing on the square: 09/12/24
• Best Christmas Lights Competition: Entry forms to be handed in at the New Inn/Caffi Dewi.
• Closing date for the Competition will be 13/12/24,with judging to take place over the 14/15th.
• Results to be announced on the 22/12/24 at Caffi Dewi Singing event, all donations to go to funding the village defibrillator running costs.
Regarding arrangements above:
EK to verify mulled wine requirements with New Inn.
CJ to organise Sledge Hire.
EK to write to Spar Tregaron regarding donations towards mulled wine event.
Council agreed to provide hamper for the best lit house competition with each councillor donating £5 towards the costs. JG to organise.
11. To consider further public consultation regarding the Waun Maenllwyd Wind Energy proposal.
R.E. declared an interest regarding this proposal.
After consideration of the proposal ,Council approved the decision to hold a consultation, with an extraordinary meeting to be held on the 15/01/2025 to facilitate putting together questionnaire content.
All suggestions to be e-mailed to the Clerk by 08/01/2024.
12. To consider whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when considering the following items(13 &14) of business (in accordance with s1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, on the grounds that it involves the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 12 and 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended).
Council approved this proposal.
13. To review the Clerk’s salary in accordance with the 2024/25 Local Government Services Pay Agreement.
E.K. and the Clerk. declared an interest regarding this proposal and left the room during discussion.
• Council resolved to implement the local government pay agreement for Clerk/Burial Clerk- scale 9 and increase Clerk’s hours by 8 hrs.
• EK to check budget for allowance for increase and report to Council at the next full meeting of Council.
14. To consider a further tender process for the Hall Changing rooms and Storage building as no compliant tenders were received at the extraordinary meeting held on the 21/10/2024.
• RE/EK had meeting with Representatives to move situation forward and to discuss financial/procurement processes for the tender process.
• It was suggested to break down the contract into smaller components.
• Council also agreed to suspend financial regulations with respect to the limit set for tender processes and to minute during the next Annual General meeting to enable suspension of the current rule with respect to this grant to enable current procurement proposals to move forward and prevent potential loss of funding for the project.
15. To receive a report from the PCSO
PCSO Liza Jenkins attended and in addition to drawing attention to helpful information and leaflets regarding current services provided by Dyfed Powys Police, also presented a comprehensive area report regarding the following concerning crime in the area for the preceding month :
• Hate Crime Awareness week- John Evans is the Support Officer- and reports can be made to him concerning crimes/behaviours noted of this nature.
• £8K theft reported and damage diesel and cab from forester locally. Contact has been made with local agroforestry businesses to warn them of activities happening in the areas. that this has happened.
• Quad bike thefts happening also locally- Llanwnen- close to the road- brazen. May have visited farm previously under bogus enquiry to look over what may be on the premises.
• Advice for preceding to note number plates and report either through the Clerk or direct contact.
• Scam called in call re speeding fine to pay from Llanddewi Residence- Economic Crime team is investigating.
• Winter heating scam also happening- text- recommend blocking, to prevent ID/financial details fraud.
• Scam for gardening services also going on- indexes and ID’s required – please report.
• Cold Caller protection zones in conjunction with Council can be set up – if reports increase- advice to get in touch.
• Also reported :
o Cannabis grows on the increase e.g. Llandysul School.
o Llangybi house sale- probate- found to being occupied whilst vacant- lengthy court proceedings to get situation remedied.
o Dog Attacks reported- please report.
o Drunk driving/drugs be vigilant.
o Off roading also an issue Teifi pools/Strata Florida
o Public protection- beheaded sheep locally- Police will take action regarding these sorts of incidents
Rural Crime Team can come out on request for talks- funding available for branding machinery- will alert Council when available.
PCSO would also like to work in community regarding Safety on the farmyard- would like to work with the YFC on this.
Also highlighted as we go into the colder months that Emergency fridge report container for elderly/vulnerable for first responders and Herbert protocols.( can be obtained from police/chemist/surgery/fire brigade.
Issues raised:
i. Council:-Dog fouling the pitch on Hall and recreation grounds. Had Dog wardens out-, have approached them but some walkers take no notice.
ii. Dewi Stars have approached Council- do inspection every map- get 100/200 quid fine for each dog foul found.
iii. PCSO- will e-mail Ben Young when in office tomorrow am, to get advice. CCTV contemplated.
iv. Parking issues- where thoroughfare narrowed. PCSO had checked but on day when none present.( Gareth Davies?)
v. Suggestion for yellow lines but could pop a note on windscreens.
16. County Councillor’s report on matters arising from Ceredigion.
The County Councillor reported the following for the October /November period:
• Village sign has not been returned- made a new one but not date yet installed. Ceredigion budget workshop set, to see where the cuts may be.- looking currently at 12% Council tax increase.
• Four Community schools under threat formal consultation has started- coming to an end before Christmas.- goes to scrutiny before February(full Council)
• Rubbish Collection situation going well, South major issue. Will find out about pavement clearing if costed additional service for other Community Councils.
17. Planning applications
To consider the following application:
i. A240721 – Tynllwyn, Llanddewi Brefi, Tregaron. SY25 6NY .
RE/EK declared interest and left the room during discussion.
Council raised no objections concerning this application Clerk to write in to raise no objections.
18. To receive a report from the Village Hall and Recreation Grounds committee.
• Severn Wye – structural report established finally cannot insulate old hall but as now no time to consider looking for funding for other structural works are keen to work together to look into possibility of providing other improvements i.e. lighting design for entire hall/stage lighting/lighting circuits in main hall and consider new boiler and changing room heating and toilets.( also in to increase heating circuit to hall)
• Regarding the Warm Hub Grant proposal being looked into for Caffi Dewi, Council resolved to apply for this award on their behalf.
• Council decided therefore to delegate submission to R Evans/ E James. Copy of application will be presented at next full meeting of Council.
19. Questions to the Chair.
• The Chair extended thanks to those who turned up for the cemetery clean up before Remembrance Sunday.
• One Member raised the need at some point before the end of the year that help would also be needed/clean organised to shift stored items currently in the snooker room, to restore access to the facilities.
• Clerk suggested that wall mounted document holder be purchased in near future to store leaflets and documents from PCSO/other services
20. Date of next meeting.
Ordinary Meeting to be held on 09/12/24 at 7:30 pm in the Llanddewi Brefi Community Hall.
Meeting ended 21:17 pm.