Terms & Privacy

Disclaimer & Privacy Statement

Llanddewi Brefi Community Council is committed to the highest standard of quality information and every attempt has been made to present up to date and accurate information. However, the Council gives no warranty as to the accuracy of the information on this web site and accepts no liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on such information.

This Website does not automatically store or capture any personal information of those logged on to the site other than that person’s IP address. No information about you will be retained except that which you submit voluntarily via feedback mechanisms such as web forms. The Council does not provide this warranty in relation to any other sites that you may link to from this site.

Links to other websites from this website (whether directly or indirectly) are for general information purposes only and Llanddewi Brefi Community Council assumes no responsibility for information contained on those websites.

Unless indicated otherwise, Llanddewi Brefi Community Council retains the copyright to all original material shown on this website © 2015.


A cookie is a small data file that is stored on your computer when you visit a website. The cookies we use on our website contain no personal data or anything that could identify you to others.

_ga Persistent 2 years Google Analytics tool to collect performance data and analyse information.
_gat Persistent 10 minutes Google Analytics tool to collect performance data and analyse information.
_icl_current_language Persistent 1 day Used to remember the visitor’s initial language choice.
NID Persistent 28 days Google Tracking Cookie used to remember preferences and other information.
viewed_cookie_policy Persistent 1 year Used to remember if the visitor has accepted/closed the cookie info bar.

If you want to learn more about cookies and how to manage them, visit AboutCookies.org

Community Website Policy

The Community Website provides open access to Community Council business specifically and to information about the Parish and the local area.

Purpose: To ensure the information published in the website is to the positive benefit of the residents of the Parish, visitors and all other users of the website


  • That the website includes information relating to events, social groups, businesses and services within and relating to Llanddewi Brefi, its immediate locality and its residents.
  • That published information gives actual or intrinsic benefit to those who access and read the content,
  • That information reflects the character and the amenity of the immediate locality and is of relevance and assistance.
  • That information is factually accurate. No liability is accepted by the Community Council for the accuracy of information provided by external sites.
  • All the principles of Equality are observed particularly in respect of opportunity, accessibility and culture.
  • That information is not offensive and is not biased.


Application from associations, societies, groups, businesses or individuals, to contribute information, may be submitted in writing by email to: web@llanddewibrefi.org, or via the website forms.

The application will be dealt with at the next full Community Council meeting, as long as the application is received 7 clear days before the meeting date. Approval or otherwise will be notified as soon as possible afterwards.

The application must set out the nature of the group, event or notice. A contact address, telephone and email address must be provided.

The Community Council’s Welsh Language policy applies to the website content and all entries are required to be published bilingually. Wherever possible, applications are preferred in both Welsh and English. Please contact the Webmaster if you require assistance with translation. A proforma for event or directory listings is available upon request or can be downloaded from the website.

Documents to accompany listings may be uploaded, at the discretion of the Webmaster, on request to: web@llanddewibrefi.org

  • The Community Council reserves the right to refuse publication.
  • The Community Council reserves the right to remove information at any time.

This policy affects all those who wish to use the website including Residents, Community Councillors, the Clerk to the Council, Webmasters and all those who submit information for publication.
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Mae'r dudalen hon hefyd ar gael yn: Cymraeg